10091439_mFor most couples struggling with infertility, the cause can be quickly identified: endometriosis, blocked
 fallopian tubes, defective ovulation, poor sperm quantity or quality, and so forth. However, for many 
patients, standard diagnostic testing fails to identify a specific cause. This is generally referred to 
as “unexplained infertility” and accounts for roughly 25% of couples seeking help from a reproductive 

Infertility testing for unexplained infertility

A diagnosis of unexplained infertility does not mean that nothing is wrong. Rather, the term means that 
the problem is not identified by a standard diagnostic workup. Infertility testing determines a variety of
 factors, including that the general female anatomy is normal, that sperm are of normal number and
 shape, and that the ovaries possess a normal number of eggs. In the process of becoming pregnant, 
however, there are many interactions that happen at the cellular and genetic level, and the function of
 these organs on a microscopic level cannot be evaluated by standard infertility testing.

Treatment options for unexplained infertility

Thankfully, couples with unexplained infertility generally have an excellent response to treatments. For 
many couples with unexplained infertility, simply augmenting the ovulatory cycle coupled with placing a 
concentrated sample of sperm in the uterus (a process called intrauterine insemination or IUI) will 
significantly increase the chances of conceiving over natural intercourse alone. For couples in which IUI 
is unsuccessful, excellent pregnancy rates are achieved with more aggressive measures such as in vitro 
fertilization (IVF).

Significant advances have occurred in the diagnosis and, more importantly, in the treatment of 
reproductive disorders over the past decade. Even without knowing the exact reason for infertility, 
modern medicine can offer other baby-making opportunities and the possibility of a successful outcome.

For more information about unexplained infertility or to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Fertility Associates of Memphis, please contact our office at 901-747-2229.

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Causes of Infertility Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Stress and Infertility

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