Dr. Ke,

From the earliest days of my journey with you, Dawn and the team at Fertility Associates of Memphis, I knew I walked into a warm world of kindred spirits, spunky personalities and profoundly brilliant professionals. As a seasoned CEO and executive, I was used to being able to solve any problem that cameĀ  my way – until I met my match with my own fertility challenges of 10 years. You immediately gave me hope that I’d be able to fulfill my most meaningful goal in life; to hold my very own child in my arms one day. Your knowledge, calming words, personalized care, intricate attention to detail throughout our complex journey, gave us the world’s greatest gift – our son. We couldn’t be more grateful to you, Dawn and the team at Fertility Associates of Memphis. There is no better place in the world than your care for the emotional and challenging journey.

With A Heart Full of Gratitude,

Mrs. Wright


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