Our Memphis fertility center participates in the annual St. Jude Memphis Marathon and treats patients at the research hospital all year long
On Dec. 5th, our Memphis fertility center staff will once again take part in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s Marathon Weekend. The Memphis race is one of the hospital’s premiere fundraising programs, which together make it possible for St. Jude’s to provide oncology treatment to affected children free of charge.
Running 26.2 miles is among the least of what the staff at our Memphis fertility center does to support the community at St. Jude’s, however.
Current and past St. Jude’s patients receive fertility preservation free of charge
Reproductive Endocrinologist William H. Kutteh, MD serves as both the director for our Memphis fertility center and director of fertility preservation at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In addition, staff physicians–Drs. Raymond Ke, Paul Brezina and Amelia Bailey–all provide fertility preservation to patients currently receiving care at St. Jude’s, as well as those who graduated from the hospital years ago.
The physicians at our Memphis fertility center work with St. Jude’s oncologists
An adolescent patient diagnosed with cancer may desire to freeze her eggs or his sperm before beginning chemotherapy and/or radiation in the hopes of safeguarding their fertility against such treatments.
Together, Dr. Kutteh and Dr. Larry Kun, the clinical director for St. Jude’s, can create a plan to make this possible.
Patients and their parents say this is one more concern that they can cross off their list during a difficult time. The fact that St. Jude’s and our Memphis fertility center provides these services for free, as well as the option to store frozen material until the patient is 35 years old, is a tremendous source of relief and gratitude.
Our Memphis fertility center will also work with a patient who received cancer treatment at St. Jude’s during childhood, before they were able to harvest eggs or freeze sperm.
Read 15-year-old Alexis’ story here.
Patients (or “Heroes,” as supporters call them) at St. Jude’s have much to hope for beyond oncology treatment. Our Memphis fertility center seeks to provide them with the tangible dream of a family one day.
Please join us in supporting St. Jude’s Marathon or contact us at our Memphis fertility center for information about long-term fertility preservation.
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