The internet offers a wealth of information on infertility, pregnancy loss and reproductive health issues.

We recommend the following fertility links as good sources of information.

IVF Connection connects people going through IVF to information, support, and others going through the same experiences. IVF Connections features IVF bulletin boards, IVF questions and answers, IVF stories, and an IVF links section.

The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is the largest organization of reproductive health specialists in the United States. The have a web site for patients that is full of non-commercial information and useful publications.

Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) is the leading organization of Assisted Reproduction clinics in the United States. It has an comprehensive database of IVF clinics in all 50 states and Canada.

Fertility Friend is a site that offers useful tools such as menstrual calendars and basal body temperature charts for ovulation testing . It has an extensive message board section for women seeking pregnancy but this site is not necessarily devoted to infertility.

Creating a Family is a non-profit organization providing education, resources and support to those touched by infertility or adoption. It has archived podcasts of radio shows with prominent experts in the field of infertility, pregnancy loss, and adoption.

Hannah’s Prayer is a California based, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, established Jan 1, 1995. All staff members are unpaid volunteers who are proclaiming Christians (from a range of denominational backgrounds) and have personal experience with the heartache of fertility challenges.

Resolve. Founded in 1974 by Barbara Eck Menning, a nurse, RESOLVE has grown from a small operation to a national organization. RESOLVE is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education, support, and advocacy for men and women with infertility. The site offers numerous publications and a bulletin board.

Hopeful Hearts is a Bible-based infertility and miscarriage support group in Memphis for women who are suffering with the loss of a miscarriage, trying to conceive, undergoing fertility treatments, or seeking adoption. Each semester they will select a book to read and discuss in a group setting.

Fertility Lifelines is sponsored by Serono Laboratories, Inc., a pharmaceutical manufacturer of fertility medications. While this is a commercial site, the information is useful — and there is a free toll-free phone service directly to a nurse for infertility treatment information. They can also check to see if you have insurance coverage for infertility.

Fertility Guide is another commercial site. This one is sponsored by Merck, a pharmaceutical manufacturer of fertility medications. The information is basic but still useful and there is a nice section on state insurance laws.